The week of October 19th through the 25th is National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week. Lead poisoning is preventable 100% of the time, yet we still find approximately half a million children with blood lead levels of 5 micrograms per deciliter or more throughout the United States according to the Centers for Disease Control. The Healthy Homes branch is focusing on promoting the Lead Hazard Control Grant during this week. This grant opportunity which is a partnership with Cedar Rapids Housing Services brings a primary prevention focus into the City which will identify and remediate lead hazards in the home of young children reducing the child's exposure to lead based paint. Lead based paint remains the number one cause of lead poisoning along with leaded dust the settles on horizontal surfaces surrounding deteriorated paint. Of special note to all, if you happen to be visiting the Cedar Rapids Public Library take a moment to check out the three display cases near the skywalk. Healthy Homes has displays on Lead, Asthma, and Bed Bugs, |
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