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Landlords and Smoke-Free Housing

Reasons to consider making your property smoke-free:
  • Reduces operating costs
  • Increase your market share
  • Tenants prefer smoke-free housing
  • Tenants' health improves with smoke-free housing
  • Become part of a smoke-free housing online registry for potential tenants
Worried about legal issues?
Existing laws allow for smoke-free housing:
  • Smokers are not a protected class under state or federal law
  • Smoking is not a legal right
  • There is no law that prohibits 100% smoke-free policies
Steps to adopting a smoke-free policy
1) Get Set for Success
Consider contacting us for technical assistance. Our contact information is below.
Survey your tenants. Explain why you’re considering going smoke-free, outline possible features of the new policy, and invite feedback. A sample survey is available at the bottom of this page for download.

2) Create your own policy
Sample lease addenda are provided below. Seek feedback from your legal consultant, management company, and other key stakeholders within your organizational structure. Announce the date for when your policy will be effective (allow at least 30 days).

3) Implement your policy.
Incorporate the policy language into the appropriate documents.
  • For private properties, add to the lease of all new and renewing tenants.
  • For public housing, add the clause to the house rules and have each new or renewing tenant sign the provision.
Post signage to ensure compliance among tenants, visitors, and staff. We can provide signage depending on what type of policy you adopt.

4) Reap the Benefits
Work with us to ensure your property appears on the Iowa Smoke-free Housing Registry.
Survey your tenants 60 to 90 days after the implementation of your policy. This will aid owner/tenant relations and support compliance and enforcement. See the bottom of this page for a sample letter.

Smoke-free policy options
Sample policies will be posted as soon as they are available. Below are five different 100% smoke-free multi-unit housing options.

If you choose to adopt the first option, we will provide you with a limited number of notification signs (indoor and outdoor), a press release, website advertising, and a yard sign. If you choose the second, you can receive indoor and outdoor signs and a yard sign. The third option comes with indoor and outdoor signs.

If you choose to offer temporary grandfathering, the signs will be provided after the grandfathering period has ended.

We Can Provide:
  • Policy/writing assistance
  • Tenant education
Got questions? Contact:
Katie Jones, MPH
Health Education Specialist
Phone: 319.892.6065

Additional Resources
Linn County Public Health Healthy Homes Branch,
Jul 3, 2012 12:50 PM
Linn County Public Health Healthy Homes Branch,
Jul 23, 2012 12:23 PM
Linn County Public Health Healthy Homes Branch,
Jul 23, 2012 1:59 PM