Radon in Schools

Radon Initiative Partnership in Local Schools (RIPLS)
Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. In Iowa and Linn County, our average indoor radon levels are estimated to be twice the EPA recommended mitigation level. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends testing schools every four years and mitigate if confirmation sampling shows results above the EPA's target level. Children spend approximately one-third of their time in school. The RIPLS project focuses on providing our schools with appropriate training and resources to properly test and manage radon.
What: Radon Measurement and Mitigation in Schools and Large Buildings
When: October 28 - 29, 2013
Where: Kirkwood Training & Outreach Services (KTOS) - Room 100
3375 Armar Drive
Marion, IA 52302
Linn County Public Health is seeking financial support to offer a FREE two day training course for Linn County Schools (limit 2 per district). To review the DRAFT course objectives and agenda click HERE.
The two day course focuses on the skills needed to understand the major unique factors involved with radon measurement and control in schools and large buildings. The course is built around the US EPA's school radon measurement protocols and school radon mitigation guidance as well as two new American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards, Protocols for Conduct Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurements in Schools and Large Buildings and Radon Mitigation Standards for Schools and Large Buildings.
After attending this course participants will:
1. Gain awareness of radon, radon health effects, and radon entry dynamics in schools & large buildings.
2. Understand US EPA and ANSI protocols for schools and large buildings, including testing strategies, building conditions, quality control, and internal versus external measure providers
3. Gain awareness of school and large building radon control strategies and investigative techniques to design large building mitigation systems
4. Gain awareness of radon mitigation installation, post-mitigation testing, and related operations and maintenance requirements
5. Gain awareness of radon control strategies in new construction
6. Students will be able to weigh if and when to use external professional assistance versus use of school facility staff.

To register, fill out the form below.

RIPLS Registration

For more information or questions please contact:
Linn County Public Health
Environmental Services Division
Healthy Homes Branch
LCPResources provided by H include radon test kits , technical assistance, overnight shipping to the laboratory, sample testing plans and quality control plans. To be eligible for free kits and shipping, schools must have at least one person from the district attend the Radon Measurement and Mitigation in Schools and Large Buildings course below. Schools who qualify for free radon test kits shall conduct one eduation or outreach event to students and parents on the health effects of radon and encourage radon testing in their homes.